Posted 9 years ago
(85 items)
It turns out the doll bug has bitten me for good after all. I couldn't pass on a small lot of dolls at a garage sale over the weekend where they were stuffed in a box of dirty clothes and other junk. My collection of dolls is officially growing.
I do however need some help in identifying some of them. Upon close inspection, i think i know that this one is Madame Alexander because of a faint ALEX mark on the back of her neck. I spent hours on the internet in search of her name/face mold, but none of them looked quite like this one. I think it might be one of the Ballerinas, but which one? Are the clothes original to her? Is the outfit complete? I didn't see a similar ballerina out there.
She appears to be in a very decent condition except for her hair which is a mess. It's mohair hair so i don't know yet how to approach cleaning/brushing it (i know, no washing!)
Manikin and other resident doll experts, i hope you can stop by and help with the mystery!
*Title Updated-Thank you, Manikin!
Out of bottles and into dolls now?
She is Margaret Rose I believe . How tall is she ? I don't think those are her original clothes . And MA always had a tag in her clothes . These look to big and not right quality . Very pretty doll !
Mohair styles very nicely but you will lose some hair while doing it so make it a one time shot and then put a hairnet on her I do use a damp hand when doing hair to give it a bit of moisture and do small sections at a time . One curl then it look like she needs hairpins to hold them in place . I love doing mohair wigs over human hair any day .
The Name comes from Princess Margaret . MA made dolls of her and her sister Queen Elizabeth .
Manikin, Shareurpassion, thanks so much for stopping by and your loves!
Manikin, thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise, once again! I just looked up Margaret's not that many of them out there, but she does seem to have Margaret's face. She is about 14-15" tall. The clothes fit her better with a small safety pin holding them, but i took it off for the pictures. It didn't cross my mind that they are not original because my Elise's clothes were not labeled, too, but they were original. That means the ballerina's shoes are not hers, either...? (which means she may not even be a ballerina...). How can i find out what her original clothes should be? What is her approximate age? Thank you for the tips on handling mohair hair, i feel a bit relieved now =)
Spirit, no, not so fast LOL At that same garage sale i acquired an old olive-colored CARLSBAD LS bottle which i'm now researching, 4 seltzer bottles, and a few teeny-tiny bottles i'll post when i have a chance.
Look at Princess Margaret doll. Hard to say what she was dressed in as they usually were in very elaborate gowns . She is hard plastic from 1950's :-)
Thank you, Mani. I see... So hunting for the "original" outfit is kind of pointless. Well, i'll just wash this one, i guess. She is definitely my favorite in the lot. I think i've developed a passion and fascination for Madame Alexander dolls.
Here is one to watch for ending price also nude. You can keep her in that dress she has on and watch for a madame Alex dress for sale on ebay or esty ? We don't know what exact dress she wore . Vintage MA dolls are high quality and always beautifully dressed .
Thanks for the link, Manikin, i added her to a watch list. I came home after work and looked at the doll's clothes, and you are absolutely right, the quality is poor to be anywhere near MA. Oh well, you live you learn (: I'll keep an eye on the outfits on the internet. It would be nice to give her the dress she deserves!
Scott, Vetra, Mike, Roy, Tassie- thank you for your loves! Much appreciated.
It's good to see you again, Anna.