Posted 9 years ago
(284 items)
The other day I posted photos of a few pieces of plastic vintage necklaces, some bakelite but not all of them, and melaniej wanted me to make a post of this necklace on its own. I don´t know what this is made of. It doesn´t seam to be bakelite but still nice I think. It has a hidden beadclasp. Hope you like this photos melaniej.
Don't know if it is bakelite, but a yummy neckie for sure !
The hidden clasp is a sign of excellent quality. It's beautiful, no matter what it's made of!
So beautiful!!
Definitely get this piece checked out Elizabeth....I think you have yourself Butterscotch Amber here. Is pic #1 taken in natural light?
It does look like Amber! Worth getting it looked at.
Thankyou guys for nice coments and input! I will look it over again and let you know. Yes, all photos are taken in natural light. I was on my veranda with a roof above. Don't know why the pics came out differently.