Posted 9 years ago
(186 items)
My lonely girl has got a mate lately.The blue boy keeps her companion.
Designed by Eryka Trzewik - Drost in 1970s and made by HSG Zabkowice.
I haven't noticed so far that some of her designs have something in common.One motif/element occurs repeatedly in different items.
Can you see it either?
The elbows!!
I adore these Ivonne and I am so happy you are able to show us somuch Droste work. It is really rare to see it here.
Perhaps the stance is hereditary......the figurines look like mother and children. Just surmising, they are lovely and so good to have three! Are there any more?
Karen you are the Winner! Elbows at figurines and vases.
Ha,ha,Peggy,it might be,but what about vases?
There's also a group of 4 clear glass fgurines (mother,father,2 children).I'm bidding a mother.
I deleted my previous comment,Peggy,because I was sitting at a hairdresser,made mistakes and it looked like I didn't catch your lovely comment .
Thank you mikelv,
swfinluv and Manikin for the loves.
Thanks,Val,for the love:)
Thanks martika,junkmanjoe and bijoucaillouvintage for the loves
I am a big fan of Eryka Trzewik - Drost, and are looking for pictures of all of here glasses and even better to buy here glass for real. but pictures and history is also a big issues for me.
And I can see here in your site, that there is also a mother and father for the two children. I have the children in clear glass, but have never seen the mother and father. Do you know if there ar pictures of them, so I now what to look at.
I will be so grateful for your help.
I can tell, that I have 10 different colour of Karolinka, and 4 different colour of The mexican girl. I am looking for Karolinka in red...but so fare it is hopeless. :-)
nice to hear that you're a fan of Polish glass and I'm glad that I can share here some of my pieces.There are some links to the Drosts' glass which has become very collectible for some time now.
all family down)
red Karolinka,unfortunately - sold
Ohh that is some new ones... I thought that it was mom and dad for the boy and girl on your pictures. My mistake. :-)
But they are funny, and of course I have to look after them to. :-)
Thank you so much for the picture of the red karolinka. It is the only picture I can find with here on. And it is from 2015 so I don´t think it is for sale anymore. I have try to make som contact. But without luck. :-)