Posted 9 years ago
(1 item)
We bought this lake house a couple of years ago and remodeled. This oil lamp was hanging in the living room. Although it is beautiful it is was not functional for our needs so it was taken down. It is approximately 24" wide and 36" long (not including the chain). The house was built in 1965 so I am assuming that it was not put there when it was built. Any information that anyone can give me on this lamp would be appreciated.
Everything looks right about this late 1800's triple branch Oil lamps Ceiling Fixture. I'm pretty sure that if you look on the frames of the 5" shade holder rings, that you will find a patent date...possibly 1877. Matching shades, matching oil fonts with flowered diamonds designs, matching pie-crust chimneys etc.... The parts may have been replaced but the triple hanging lamp frame also looks original. There are a lot of Antique Dealers looking for complete lighting fixtures like this one for their shops.....don't dispose of it before checking values. BOB
Love it!! Did you take it down? Shame as even if not in use it is so pretty? plus, doesn't the power ever go out there.....LOL
Yes, Do NOT dispose of it !!!