Posted 9 years ago
(91 items)
Hi folks this is a porcelain ware that i found at salvation army for $1 each. I found the label very interesting as i ve never heard of spode's jade ware before and i recently found out that they are very rare as production of it was only from the 1920s to 1930s. They are now sitting in my kitchen glass cabinet for display and i love the green everytime i walk past my kitchen:)
Tas, this is the spode ware i wanted to show you before.
Attached a picture of my Siamese mix breed cat,Rusty just for fun in case any of you happen to like cats as well. Im quite unsure of her breed but she has blue misty eyes which cant be seen here. So to me she s an unsolved mystery but i love her all the same.
Kyra, check out this cat with liu li eyes!
She is a beautiful cat, why Rusty?
Very Nice fleafinder, and yes would look great with my Casey Ware!!! Thanks for posting....
hi mary the color of her fur reminds me of the color of rust hence rusty!
btw thanks for popping in and loving it:))teally appreciate
for the love:))
Right it! Rusty shows liu li eyes!
Purrrfect post, Fleafinder
haha thanks kyra and aura for the love n cute comment
Rusty isn't a Red Siamese, is she? [;>)
hi nevada, im not very sure but according to my uncle whose a cat lover, he said that she's probably a Siamese:)