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Carnival Bowl or Fenton glassware Yellow

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (50 items)

    I believe this is Carnival Glass. I am not sure but it is a beautiful piece. When it catches the light you can see some purple or blue mixed with the golden yellow. Maybe it's Fenton. My Mom in law has this displayed in her living room. She found it at a yard sale 30 years ago. Anybody have additional info. Thanks for looking.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. Gillian, 9 years ago
      Carvinal glass / oak and acorn.
      This has a rather strange shape, three sided? Can't confirm that it's Fenton. This may be called a purple colour?
    2. Gillian, 9 years ago
      Rather a Purple/Amethyst colour.
    3. TallCakes TallCakes, 9 years ago
      this is Indiana Glass #606 Loganberry c1923-33 and made in various colors including carnival glass
    4. AdeleC AdeleC, 9 years ago
      it looks like a previous post of mine that was identified as Indiana Glass Triangular Loganberry Bowl. Though yours is a prettier colour than mine!
    5. TallCakes TallCakes, 9 years ago
      these were made in these carnival glass colors in the 1970s
    6. Gillian, 9 years ago
      Time for new glasses? Anyway, I sincerely apologise for my misinformation.
    7. clockerman clockerman, 9 years ago
      Tall cakes
      It's a really nice colour. Yellow during the evening and the bluish/purplish color comes out in the sunlight.
    8. clockerman clockerman, 9 years ago
      Mikelv. Thanks for the love.
    9. clockerman clockerman, 9 years ago
      Thanks to Fortapache .
    10. clockerman clockerman, 9 years ago
      Martika many thanks for the love
    11. clockerman clockerman, 9 years ago
      Thank u very much Flea Finder
    12. clockerman clockerman, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the love
      Nevada Blades
      Knock Wood
    13. Faith.k Faith.k, 1 year ago
      Beautiful! I have a dark green one, but not carnival glazed, sadly! Yours is stunning!

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