Posted 9 years ago
(649 items)
One of my two finds from the Baltimore Summer Antiques Show - this intriguing vase is made on an opaque uranium glass ground, with Russian green leaves pulled down and around the body and onto the base. The rim is fire polished and the pontil is ground and partially polished. It is about 6.5" tall. I think it's Bohemian, not sure exactly how old or who could have made it. Initial thoughts were Loetz (although I've kind of given up on that idea), Poschinger, Harrach, etc. I don't think it's modern because of the base wear, because of the uranium glass ground, the shape, and the fact that it is unsigned. (a studio piece of this caliber would probably have a signature). So I'm filing it as a mystery piece for now - a mystery that I would much rather have sitting in my cabinet than somewhere else. :)
Is the rim fire polished, Warren? It looks from the pictures that it may be.
It is, Michelle.
Uranium Rindskopf Pulled Vase?
It is a similar shape to some of there work, but closer to Kralik in form, to me. Rindskopf never polished their pontils this way, and they wouldn't have a polished rim on simple form like this, it would be just cut & polished...