Posted 9 years ago
(284 items)
I need help to find out more about this little 925 sterling brooch that I recently bought. I hope someone can tell age and origin of country from the 3 posts I will post of this brooch. This post #1 shows the overall style and clasps etc of the brooch. In post #2 and #3 I will show details in makers(or country-)mark and the setting of the stones.
I´ve been thinking this might be edwardian but I´m not sure. On the c-clasp there are some Swedish silver marks used to garanti the silver purity; an oval "threecrowns" mark was used 1913-1988 for imported silver but before that a threecrowns mark was also used (in shape it looked like a catpawsprint) from 1754 also on imported gods. So if you don´t know the age of a piece like this you can´t tell if it´s imported or not. The S mark for silver alongside with the threecrownsmark was introduced in 1913. This brooch has an oval threecrownsmark and a S for silver so from that I gather it´s an imported brooch.
Greatful for ideas :)
identify the mark to the right of the 925 mark? I can´t make out what it is. Looks lite a pictoral mark in the shape of a tourch, flame or Paw print? This could help me to learn more about its origin and age. Sad to say I need help with everything on this one because I have never seen a brooch like this. So age and country of origin would be Lovely to find out. I will make the posts with this brooch to show style, mark and the setting of the stones. Hope someone of my CW friends will have an idea. The stones looks like paste but are more shiny and distinct, much nicer than I´m used to. I don´t know that much about stones though.
Yes, I would agree that this is Edwardian. The rivet hinge is hand made, as is the pin.
It is really it!!
Edwardian, I confirm, and the Swedish import mark fron 1913 goes with that :-)
I highly suspect your mysterious mark is same as mine, encountered on many fine paste and 925 silver pieces, I describe it as Etruscan urn/vase.
On my lezard pieces, the pin is too in yellowish metal...
Thankyou for helping Efesgirl, great link even if I didn't find all answers this time. Will use it again.
Thankyou Valentino that's an interesting idea!
TassieDevil thankyou!
Yes Kyratango this is true, looks the same. How meny pieces do you have with this mark?
See my answer in my other post with closeup of the mark.
Thankyou dear fellow CW friends: caperkid, martika, aura, Valentino, vetraio, jscott, mikelv, manikin, TassieDevil, fleafinder, Racer4four !!
Thankyou kyratango!!
I have about 15 pieces of this maker :-)
All with these highly sparkling pastes, carefully set in silver, not glued.
The marks show differences, some are in one stamp with the 925, some are in two parts.
Yours have a 925 stamp I never saw in this shape with the "urn".
Kyratango I would like to show you some more leads, would it be possible for me to email you? You could write your emailadress here and i delade it right away.
Thankyou kyratango, I have emailed you :)
Answered :-)
Yes thankyou kyratango, great!
Kyratango and I are trying to figure out the origin of this mystery mark that we have on our paste pieces. Don't have the answer yet but I see some interesting pieces on morning glory antiques page. There are two pendants that are interesting. Our mark is there and one also has the same backdetails as on my brooch (like a sun with beams). On one of the items they say 1910. To be continued.....
The link
Thankyou tamluvsnd, vintageforever, inky, clementine, Rick, Onegoodfind, peasejean, Vintagelamp, Sean and NanaM!