Posted 9 years ago
(5053 items)
I found some very interesting pieces at Urban Ore today. here's another one - a Turkish coffee pot. it appears to be quite old, made of copper, brass and iron. I like the little chickens on the finials.
I've seen these off & on all my life. Were they actually really used or just made for the tourist trade ? Wouldn't the brass/copper tint the taste of the coffee & then there's the lead soldering to worry about ?
a Kurdish friend of mine uses his to make a delicious mint tea in. these were used. here's a more accurate description: Antique Copper & Brass Arabian Islamic Turkish Dallah Coffee/Tea Pot Bedouin.
I also see many of these pots, having lived in Turkey and now in the Netherlands. They find their way to thrift shops and flea markets. Many times, the bird decorations are missing.
That is just incredible!! Wonderful find!!!
Really cool!
thank you Efes, Jscotto and vintagelamp!