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1907 Railway Time Table

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (813 items)

    The Grand Rapids, Grand Haven, & Muskegon Railway Company

    1907 Time Table for a railway that affected many small communities along this line in the early 1900s. They lasted about 30 years.

    Not sure what No. 24 means.

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    1. ravage60 ravage60, 9 years ago
      I'm wondering if the 24 is for the edition number of that particular line. It say to destroy all previous tables.
    2. pajrr pajrr, 9 years ago
      Number "24" is the issue of the timetable. It would be the current issue. Timetables, whether employee or public, would be issued every 6 months or so. This one replaced #23. This #24 would eventually be replaced by #25
    3. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      Thank you both for commenting. I had been wondering if it had to do, also, with previous tables.
    4. pajrr pajrr, 9 years ago
      Some railroads can get pretty confusing. When the Erie merged with the Lackawanna, the first EL employee timetable was #61 (The last Erie was #60) A couple years later after the EL was in full swing they released EL Employee timetable #1. Thus EL #1 is 2 years newer than the actual first one, #61.
    5. SpiritBear, 9 years ago
      pajrr, that's rather amusing. Thank you.

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