Posted 9 years ago
(281 items)
I got a lot of old photographs from a friend who mother was an antique dealer years ago I've had it about 15 years,I came across a photograph of Al Capone and the man in this picture look just like him,can anyone id this man is it Al Capone,I hope it is.
While the man looks like Capone the woman is not Mae, his wife. At least it looks like a wedding photo to me. I don't believe Capone spent any or much time in Canada either. Still a good photo though.
Thanks ravage60
Nope-- looks like images seldom are.
If it had a period ID on it, then it would be deserving of more investigation.
Here are some thoughts on "looks like" images:
Thanks scottvez but this is an actual photo not a post card or just an image,the house it came out of was an older home with many photographs,old home movies of travels of this family,her brother worked for someone in Hollywood been so long I can't remember all the information,I have no idea who he is but he does look like Capone
My term "image" includes ANY form of photography.
As an image dealer/ collector for many years, I have found that it is very rare to make a looks like identification that is proven and accepted if the ONLY basis of the ID is appearance.
Ok thanks