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"Turquoise" Resin Sterling Moon and Star Ring

In Fine Jewelry > Turquoise Jewelry > Show & Tell and Fine Jewelry > Sterling Silver Jewelry > Show & Tell.
Turquoise Jewelry58 of 143Sterling and Turquoise BraceletSilver Moonstone & Turquoise Necklace
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1017 items)

    One of my friends bought this a few weeks ago and had it on her table at the weekly Thursday antique/brocante market. I got tired of looking at it, so finally bought it! I gave her 15 bucks for it, and I think it's worth all of that and more.
    The 925 stamp is all but worn off, so this ring might be from the 1970s/1980s. I have never seen a design like this one, and love the fact that the turquoise is recessed. I have a "shooting stars" silver ring which looks great with this ring.
    A perfect fit, of course!

    Thanks for stopping by.

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    1. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 9 years ago
      Lovely robin blue egg Turquoise ring, Bonnie.
    2. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      If you ever get tired of looking at it, send it to me, lol. ;)

      I have an earring with the same decor, but has a different stone, as I recall. Since I don't have the pair was planning to sell it off with a bunch of other singles.
    3. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      Okay, just went to check on the earring, it isn't the same, it's just similar. Moon, no star.
    4. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 9 years ago
      I love all of your things but haven't been on in a month. IDK how the catching up will work and I don't want to flood the site but I have to say:
      Your continued postings helped me identify a sterling silver gravy boat at GW for 49 cents. Hehe..LOL!! It said made in England on the bottom and had lots of patina. Then I saw the stamps you always post under the rim. Happy, Happy, Happy and thank you.!!
      It had a lion in the middle and the new jeweler I was trying to work with told me it was plate.
      I won so thank you thank you thank you!!! :):)
    5. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Sooo nice Bonnie!!!
    6. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      OGF - you are very, very welcome! I want to see that sterling silver gravy boat, too....
    7. fleafinder fleafinder, 9 years ago
      i love it so much bonnie is the turquoise part hand painted?
    8. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      fleafinder - thanks! No, it's not painted - it's a turquoise stone.
    9. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      NICE! I love that smiling moon face! :-))
    10. fleafinder fleafinder, 9 years ago
      wooooowwww turquiose stone...would really love to see it one day
    11. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Fab ring! Liking your art photos too Bonnie!
    12. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      Thanks for all the love/compliments!
    13. Collectables59 Collectables59, 7 years ago
      Tiffany made something similar but as a silver babies rattle called the man in the moon. Let's hopes it's made by Tiffany. Neil

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