Posted 14 years ago
(677 items)
Was out picking yesterday in northern Indiana and came across this very special Polarine oil can. On the spout it shows Pat. Sept. 13, 1898 and on the front of can it shows Copyright 1913 by The Standard Oil Company of Indiana. This is a very rare can and in good shape. Note the picture of the car on the front of the can. I was just lucky to be at the right spot at the right time. Hope you enjoy and thanks for looking.
Thank you leighannrn!
Nice pick
Thank you trukn20 and have a great day!
Thank you oilman514, AR8Jason and MooreAntique!
Good eye...We should of flipped for that can. Lol
Thank you jjp213 and chevy59!
I know where it could find a good home, lol. I know it's got one now. Nice
officialfuel, email me, saw something you might wanna see.
Thank you kerry10456, electobacco and stonesfan1!
kerry10456 what's your email?
Thank you garrybeair!
WOW officialfuel! Are you part Irish, because you are the luckiest man I
Thank you Flash for the nice comment!
Your welcome. I was so excited I forgot to show some love. It's covered now :-))
Thank you Flash for the love!
Nice can for sure...I have a Polarine Lubester on my back I really liked this.
Thank you for stopping by Michael Kleckler and glad you like the item!
Thank you PackRatz!
Thank you destiny.g.v. and ttomtucker!
Thank you Chevelleman69!
Thank you Trey, stonesfan1 and straightleg!
Very Nice...
Thank you tommy1002 for the nice comment! Also thank you shughs!
Thank you FineLines!
Nice can and it's dated 1898.
Thank you egreeley1976 for the love and the nice compliment on the can!
Thank you mtg75!
Thank you Designer!
Thank you aycockonxion for the love!!
Thank you BELLIN68 and Longings! Thank you BELLING68 for the compliment!
Thank you sanhardin for the love!
Thank you jamiedpt for stopping by and showing some love.
Thank you crswerner!
Thank you mikielikesigns2!
Thank you chrissylovescats for the love!
Thank you blunderbuss2 for the love!
Thank you stonesfan1!
Thank you petey for the love!
Thank you Poop for the love!
Thank you jameyrd for the love!
I have a green Polarine ten pound transmission lubricant can and it says recommended by IMPERIAL OIL Ltd. (I'm up in Canada). I've searched everywhere on the internet and haven't found anything similar, did Polarine make the oil and distribute through the large oil companies?