Posted 9 years ago
(80 items)
Hi CW friends. I couldn't find a better piece to limp back in here (due to internet problems).
He is 6" tall and 5" wide and very light. I got it a few weeks ago but just found a possible maker, and it was verified by one of CW's best below.
I was trying to take a pic of it under the bed like animals do and when I looked at it he had a friend under there. Off to the right is crazy cat!! LOL.
I have a month of catching up to do and don't even know where to start.
Hope everyone has a good long weekend and eventually I hope to be around to give everyone some much deserved loves!! :)
This is what I found - is this what you found, too?
Thanks Bonnie. Did not see that one at all. Your post is interesting in as much that we all see different stuff. I've looked it up several times and tonight was the first time I saw the LePere ID. Everything I see on e-bay here is unknown maker.
I think it came up on Etsy but it's been a long night. ;) I was so happy to find a name I didn't pay attention to the site.
That aside did you read what I posted about your silver info? ....
Thanks is not enough!!
Thanks for the loves: btrue, Bonnie, Mike and Tassie.
So happy to be on here I can't believe it's 3:30 AM. OMG
Sweet dreams all you wonderful peps!!
And Good Morning all you wonderful peps.
Hello!!! Your interwebzy thingo works!! sweet is he. Cuddles needed.
OGF - I'm happy to help! :-))))
That really a wonderful little fellow. Kudos to Bonnie for finding the maker and year he was made.
Such a cutie Tonya :)
Reminds me of a story... A three legged dog hobbles into a saloon in the old west. He looks around and says, "I'm looking for the man who shot my Paw" : - )
Awww, poor little critter! And I got HA HA HA laugh out of Rick's "paw" joke! [;>)
Yes, so far Karen, my interwebzy is working. ;) ish.
Bonnie, I changed the title but am left thinking..LePere..Ohio? LOL Maybe a French potter moved to Ohio?
Scott, she is really special awesome. :):)
Rick, oh, you win! You should have this little guy for sure! I immediately thought of the Rifleman. Mark as a youngin trying to save his PAW. LOL..I tune in every Saturday!!
Nevada, it was funny!!
Thanks for the loves: Thomas, Karen, Scott, BB2, Mani, Peasjean, Rick and Nevada. :)
Awwww........He is so Sweet!! Love him!! I bet he *followed* you home....LOL
Great solve Bonnie !!
Thanks Rose. I just love him. Wonder how he will get along with spaghetti cat?
LOL.....I think he will.