Posted 9 years ago
(5053 items)
and bamboo wrapping! i have collected a lot of ginger jars over the last few years, but this is the first one w/ a pristine label, cover and that bamboo stuff [what's it called?]
where is the ginger jar category?
Very cool find! I've seen other examples of this emerald-glazed, hexagonal-type jar without the lid, label or cane mesh. So now we know they are from the Tung Chun Canning Company of Hong Kong and held Ginger in Syrup. Since it is marked "Made in Hong Kong," it is after the 1891 McKinley Tariff law. That settles a dating question I've seen before on eBay, Etsy, and other sites over the years. Thank you for posting your picture! Enjoy this "complete" jar.
thanks Songjar!