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    Posted 9 years ago

    (7 items)

    This one I do know what they are. Can anyone tell me . I do like unusual things They are metal and heavy.


    1. fleafinder fleafinder, 9 years ago
      hi what is written on the round objects?
      The word Durbin means to be related to pulleys
    2. namji namji, 9 years ago
      bobby725 You are right about the old hand pump. Yes!!!!.
      fleafinder The word Durbin is on the other items. Any guest?
    3. namji namji, 9 years ago
      Oh sorry haven't been on out looking for other things.
    4. namji namji, 9 years ago
      Will login later Today ; to tell you what they are. You will laugh when you find out.
    5. namji namji, 9 years ago
      The Durbin items are Bull Horn weights. They are used to keep the Horn straight. When I brought them a person told me they were wagon wheel nuts or bolts.
    6. fleafinder fleafinder, 8 years ago
      oh i see so its for bulls to wear? interesting.but how does it make the horns straight?

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