Posted 9 years ago
(281 items)
I have about 15 or more old clothes design drawings from Sakowitz store I believe maybe 1960's could be earlier,some of the drawings still has the cloth on drawings and the ticket with the name Sakowitz some of the drawings are on thin paper on board
Ever think of framing them? I think they would be interesting on a wall!!!
Thanks PostCardCollector! I have so many,pictures,paintings,WW2 post cards,paper items among other items from my doing antique shows,flea markets,I was in a car accident and haven't did too much now
Thanks for posting more of these . So interesting . It almost seems like she was putting together outfits to make and sell and using different patterns and companies to make a certain look for perhaps a window mannequin ? I am just in love and intrigued by these . They are telling a story we just need to know about :-)
Thanks Manikin,the owner of the old bus had them for years she was selling items on the bus before moving to another state I have no idea where she live so I know nothing else about drawings except the store when closed was getting rid of boxes of items and these were found in some of the boxes.I do wish I knew more