Posted 9 years ago
(28 items)
Hello there,this is my first post on here so apologies if it's not quite perfect! I was wondering if anyone knows what this is and who the manufacturer is please?(I presume it's Russian) it's a lot like a decanter maybe but there's no spout to pour the liquid out so that confuses me more!thank you in advance
Thank you fleafinder
I love it, too...whatever it is! Google Images didn't turn up a thing....
Thanks for your reply Efesgirl,yes I love it too & I have searched endlessly but had no luck, perhaps someone who could speak Russian could translate it & it may just pop right up,I've no idea! I hope someone on here can help me!
is it a vodka decanter?
Hi ho2cultcha,thank you for your reply. I have no idea!the only problem is there is no hole for the vodka to come out of!
The label says something like Radashkovichi. The google search turned up a village with a same name in Belarus, but it can be anything.
Hi Martika!thank you so much for your help!at least that gives me something else to look into!thank you
So what is it that looks very much like a glass stopper on the top? With a hole nearby.
Hi Gillian,it is some sort of stopper,however it doesn't fit tightly like a cord or glass stopper so it seems to be purely decorative rather than to actually serve a purpose!also there is no hole for any liquid to be poured out of!
I really like your bull but I have no idea why it has a stopper. : )
Thanks swfinluv1!who knows maybe it's just there to confuse people haha!
Belarus pottery founded 1974.
Thank you so much IVAN49! I don't understand a word of the site you sent me but it appears that you're correct! Do you know what the item is/was used for?(thanks Martika too)
I do not understand the site either, but yes, that`s the pottery with the name on the label (town in Belarus). I thought it was a liquor, vodka decanter but you said there was no hole. Decorative then. Many items on shelves in the link.
Yes probably so,anyway thank you so much!its nice to finally know about it. I have a few other items I might put up here now in hope someone can help!thanks again!
Richierobs, as some folks already pointed out above, the item was made in Belarus, Town of Radashkovichy. Currently the factory is named "Belarus Art Ceramics". Not sure when the item was made, though by the look of it, thinking late 20th century. Most likely a purely decorative item.
The bison- or "Zubr" in Belarusian- is actually a national symbol of Belarus. These magnificent animals live in the Belavezha National Park and are protected by the government.
Thank you for your help AnnaB!! You've given me a lot of helpful information there! Sorry for the delay in replying, I hadn't realised you had added a comment! & yes I agree late 20th centrury, perhaps could even be 21st century! & yes I would think so too, it's just the stopper on the top which really confuses me, perhaps it was filled with something initially, I don't know! Anyway thank you again for your comment!