Posted 9 years ago
(105 items)
I am so proud of my daughter Jasmine, she recently took up doing some drawing and painting at home, and she seems to have a natural flair.
I know all parents think their child is gifted, but I think she is really good at this.
Especially when you think she is only twelve years old.
The first is a painting in acrylics of Japanese ideograms for her mother.
The second is also in acrylics, and depicts a stag "cutout" with an image of the Milky Way "behind" the stag's image.
The third is a freehand pen drawing of an eye, a little stylized but very detailed.
Hope you guys like them as much as I do.
Honestly---she is sooooo talented. She'd better start signing these early works of art; they may be valuable some day!
Thanks so much PCC, I'll start her off with the sigs!
Thanks for the love too.
Lots of talent there, definitely needs encouragement and development. If this is her work at twelve, she'll go places in the art world. :)
Thank you Katherine, her art teacher has made some promising noises about her work.
Thanks for the love!
I hope you guys and Jasmine don't mind, I added a picture of her "holding up" the double rainbow in my avatar.
Thanks Thomas!
Thank you all.
We should all be so lucky as to have a beautiful and talented daughter. [;>)
KJ, thank you for that. She will be in for a surprise when I show her this thread at the weekend!
Again, thanks for the loves people.
Regards, Bob.