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Can you identify my wooden mystery tool?

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1 item)

    Purchased in Eastern Nebraska small town antique shop. The seller did not know its intended use. Perhaps a sampling or probing tool? Material appears to be walnut. Beautifully made. Unknown piece missing from narrow bottom. Structure: Hollow tapered cylinder with small opening at bottom and single large hole on side of upper section. Top handle is attached to wooden rod which can be extended about 16” out of top and has a stop that prevents removal. In the interior between small bottom opening and bottom of wooden rod is a loose round black ball that seems to act as a plug. Length without wooden rod extended is 49”. Three lathe rings in top section seem to be markers of some sort. Wooden cuff slides a few inches down for unknown purpose. It intrigues me and I hope someone can assist in identification.

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    1. ravage60 ravage60, 9 years ago
      This is going to be a guess but the first thing I thought of is a slide flute.
    2. CJH47, 9 years ago
      Thanks so much! There is no white plastic piece on the bottom that we can see. But it is like the one you mention on ebay, only in much better condition.
    3. Motoolz, 3 years ago
      You might investigate a "cider pump" to pump apple juice from a barrel. There could be a wooden pipe ,about six inches long, for the upper hole. In all of apple prosessing metal was avoided to prevent contamination, check it out!
    4. srarman, 3 years ago
      I believe you have a whiskey thief. It is used to draw a sample of whiskey from a barrel for sampling. Lifting on the top knob draws whiskey into the thief. Holding your finger over the top hole will keep the whiskey in the thief. After withdrawing the device out of the barrel and holding the lower end over a glass, release your finger from the hole and the whiskey will run out of the bottom into the glass. Enjoy!

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