Posted 9 years ago
(230 items)
Man am I a lucky collector! I've been watching for something really cool to come in to the scrap yard and finally someone dumped a bunch of metal letters. I noticed them right away and what caught my eye was the "F" and I new it was Firestone so I turned my loader around and found all the letters you see here. The letters are heavy metal and under the red paint is white porcelain! You can see also it was originally lit up with Neon!
My boss accepted my offer and now they are mine. I will strip off all the paint and see what the porcelain looks like and will have Neon put back on these in the future. For now I have to find some wall space for these!
That's a L-O-T of wall space needed !
Awesome sign!
Love the Firestone letters but I can't help but be mesmerized by the Sunoco can.
Wow, what a find! Must be time to build a fantastic new shed to mount this. I'm sure your fantastic old shed is getting pretty full!
Gotta go on the Living room wall where everyone can see em!!! I'm sure that will be an easy sell to your wife? :):):)
OK it may take a little "convincing" at first, but I got my wife to let me put a beautiful full sized Canadian cedar Canoe hanging from The ceiling in our living room, so it can be done! :):):) it'll be an easier sell when they're white.
That's right bobby725, but not like it use to be, collectors like us are grabbing all this stuff, so not much comes to the scrap yard anymore:(
You aint kiddin blunderbuss2! but Ill find someplace for it!
Awesome is right Caperkid, thanks!
Lol ravage60, I think you must want one!
That's right racer4four, I'm running out of space, my wife says I need 5 acres and a Barn, I said just 1 barn?
Rattletrap, its not gonna happen! She'll never go for it, but I did take over a shelf in her china cabinet and I filled in a couple book shelves:)
They look nice with the Coke cooler! Outstanding find.
Thanks Daddy_Nobucks, I think so too! I wish more stuff like this came in at work, not much anymore but I keep looking!
AWESOME! OOH! There's one of the ride-on ponies! What happened to them?
Glad you love this bobby725, blunderbuss2, fleafinder, Caperkid, officialfuel, ravage60, fortapache, NevadaBlades and Neonking!
thanks for looks and loves mikelv85, racer4four, Rattletrap, walksoftly, pw-collector, Daddy_Nobucks and Celiene.
Wow.....that is a total HOME-RUN on those letter !! Way to Go !!!!
Awesome score!!! They look in great shape too!
That's weird that they are painted, all the one I have seen are that color but porcelain. You may have a rare sign there. The only one I found on GooGle was this
Thanks antiquerose, I agree, Home Run! yippee!
Thanks Trey! there mostly in good shape but there is some rust rot. I haven't found another set all white either, I have seen the red porcelain ones.
WOW lots of loves! Thanks antiquerose, shughs, rustyboltz, trukn20, Designer, leighannrn, Signaholic, Chevelleman69, Beachbum68, egreeley1976, Trey, AntiqueToys, Manikin, sugargirl, mtg75 and crswerner!
Great that you love this to shivedesign and farmlady!
lucky devil!!!!!!!!!!!
I said I was Lucky gargoylecollector LOL this is the best thing I've gotten from work :)
Glad you looked and loved this lee120275, Longings, kingshawn, vreugdenhil and snowman3, thanks!
Thanks Oroyoroyisthatyourhorse, I agree!
Glad you love this Neighborguysfan, ttomtucker and mikelv85 !
How old do you think that is? And what would you Value it at? I have one also that is not neon and is from the 20s.
Jackdanielsneat: not really sure of value in this condition but restored I'd say $4000.
Glad you love this to vintagegirl66
swampdogg and Mrstyndall , Thanks!
Thanks again MacDaddyRico!
Cool! more love of this! thanks buckethead and AnythingObscure!
Thanks again oldpeep! 50th to love this!