Posted 9 years ago
(977 items)
This Civil War image falls in the very unusual/ hard to find category. The original Civil War carte de visite depicts "Co. C. First Minn(esota) H(ea)vy Art(iller)y".
Image depicts members of the unit around a large gun on one of the many forts surrounding the city of Chattanooga. In the distance Lookout Mountain is visible. My favorite part of the scene is on the left (image #3), which shows many buildings and structures of Civil War Chattanooga.
While the Regiment was not involved in any fighting, they served as a strong deterrent and payed with the loss of 87 soldiers due to disease.
Fantastic images.
Thanks caper-- appreciate you taking the time to look and comment!
That is pretty fascinating to see Scott! I guess I never thought of Minnesota in the Civil War until now.
Thanks jscott. There were several MN Regiments and about 25,000 soldiers from the State. Some units stayed in state and fought against Indians during the Sioux uprising of 1862.
One of the most famous regiments of the War, was the 1st MN Infantry. The Regiment suffered 82% casualties during the day two fight at Gettysburg!
The 1st MN is recognized to this day with a monument on Cemetery Ridge.
I'll be bloody shucked, that does appear to be Lookout Mtn.. Are you sure of the location ? Had a bunch of relatives fight around there on the sunny- side. TX, LA, & AL units.
I am certain of the location. The mountain is a little light in this image, but with photo manipulation it shows up clear. Chattanooga was the only location of service for the unit and online images confirm the location.
I have another view that shows a member of the unit with a painted Lookout Mountain backdrop-- I'll try and post it later.
Thanks tassie, bobby, fort and racer!
Very cool photos Scott!
Thanks much rick-- as always, I appreciate you taking the time to look and comment.
Thanks for looking kiva and ben!
Thanks much rade!
Thanks much ted!
Thanks peggy!
Thanks hyp!
Thanks petey!
Thanks for sharing. I have an ancestor who served in the same regiment, company H. This picture really helps me to visualize his experience!
Thanks for looking bphelps. Glad you found the image.
Do you have any images of your ancestor?
Not in my or my immediate family's possession. Some distant cousins have connected with me and shared what they believe is his picture. It is colorized with gold-colored buttons and the appropriate artillery red trim on the uniform. He is holding a saber in front of a painted backdrop of a camp.