Posted 8 years ago
(97 items)
T. YATES Double Ended Pewter Whistle.
Any ideas ?
On one side L.Wright and on the other C.C.S.B.C
I was thinking maybe a bicycle club but cant find anything. Im thinking mid to late 1800s England
Falconeer or hawk whistle is the first idea that comes to mind.
...or military/navy?
Don't know what the ccsbc is for, but it was probably custom because of the name on the other side. T. Yates made whistles during the 1800s and stopped making whistles from around 1890-1910, we don't know exactly. So, your guess is correct, it's probably mid to late 1800s. I've seen some similar designs that are dog whistles, so that might be what it is. Can't say for sure.
Do you hear the sound when you blow it or not?
Yes i can hear sound when i blow on either end of the whistle.
Then no dog whistle.