Posted 8 years ago
(279 items)
Part of my bohemian garnets jewelry. I like bohemian garnets a lot - they are so deep red and so mysterious! - so if there is a possibility to buy the jewelry for a good price, I buy it. Most of the pieces above are silver with a gold wash, only the studs are gold.
I suffer every time I visit Prague - the necklaces they show in antique shop windows! But oh the price.
I also love garnets. Your collection is fabulous!
Thank you hun!
Nice !!!
Thank you Martika!
Wow Lentilka, what a beautiful collection you have!!! Love them all!!!
Are those earrings quite old with those threaded posts on them??
Thank you guys! Glad you like them!
TassieDevil - they could be from 1890s.
Oh great Lentilka...I thought they might have been!! Have you tried them to see if they are comfortable??
Wow! Beautiful collection! I love garnets too :-)
And your pics with the coral display are so arty!
I wear them sometimes, they are a little bit thick for my earlobe holes, but they are still in OK range to wear. I love these earrings, they are so elegant!
Thank you Kyra!!
That's great Lentilka and I bet they do look elegant too!!
lentilka, since you are more or less "local" to that area, do you follow or notice media reports on contemporary bohemian jewelry makers / artisans who make reproductions of garnet jewelry or create it "in antique style"? There are so many reproductions on the market and it would be very informative for CW to see some current examples with a reliable source data.
davyd, I dont follow them, however I have one friend who is a jewelry maker and I can ask her... I can check and let you know. I have read some articles now, unfortunately according to them half of bohemian garnets in Prague shops were counterfeits, they sell other, less valuable types of garnets, and even the certificates can lie. According to the media articles, the best way is to buy with certificate of origin, where is namely written "bohemian garnet" , and store the receipt, in that case you have a chance to complain if laboratory tests show otherwise, and the shop has to return the money back.
I went to Prague this summer and I felt like a kid in a candy store! The garnet as well the amber jewelry was everywhere! I felt the same in Karlovy Vary. I didn't buy one single piece because somehow my instincts told me to be careful. Reading your comments on your post, I am glad I trusted my instincts :)
Also, just for the case someone is interested in new garnets jewelry - this company should be safe -
Unfortunately I found no such picture (there are no verified examples of fake reproductions, only general stock images), and my friend does not know. If I will find something I will let you know.
Thank you, lentilka! I enjoyed browsing through the Granat Turnov website. Note that they use a lot of old style rose cut garnets in their modern designs. I'd be interested to know what your jeweler friend says about antique designs being re-made, and especially on how the techniques have changed even though the designs look traditional. I've read about counterfeits, too and my guess is most of them may have started their life labeled as honest reproductions but lost that little marker somewhere down the road to the consumer. Keep us posted.
great presentation lenti!very unique gems there. You re sure to make many heads turn wearing the way whats that white stuff in the background. i thought they were rice at first glance!
oh just read the threads, corals! what creativity
:DDDDD fleafinder. That is a statue I made from sugar.
:DDD just joking
davyd, my friend is not a "serious" jeweller, even if she is a full time artist. She does not work with antique designs, she makes more playful things. She actually said that she does respect antiques too much, especially knowing that they belonged to someone before and they were worn before.
Not sure about the counterfeits, but...if they are sold as originals in such a big scale, it was not a honest intention from the start.
Gorgeous collection! I love garnets, don't own a single one myself, would love to have some of these antique pieces, but as you say, the prices, oy. Thanks for sharing. :)
Glad you like them Katherine!
You can still buy garnets for a good price, say on a flea market. People still have them. I got lucky a few times with the pieces you can see above. Found one bracelet as well (in my childhood - not the one pictured above). The I have one brooch I got from someone from my family. Sadly its broken, the tail is missing, otherwise it would have been like this lizard:
To be honest the really good antique pieces, they are rarely to be seen on flea market :DDD But you never know. One seller I talked to told me that they already found 3 Fahrner brooches on that flea market. I never found one though.