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Chalcedony Suzhou Carved Snuff Bottle

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (177 items)

    My love of snuff bottles is very tactile - meaning it's very much associated with my sense of touch.

    When I first saw this bottle, I knew I wanted to hold it, to brush it against my cheek to feel it's silky smoothness.

    I know, I sound very strange! But that's the simple truth of it.

    It came today, and I can hardly put it down to post it here.

    It was sold to me as jade, but I knew it wasn't jade when I bought it. I immediately did a specific gravity test when it came in. It tested right at 2.65 so it falls in the agate, quartz family.

    I'm not sure what to call it, so I am calling it chalcedony because that covers the range. It is colorless with slight shadows, translucent and slightly transparent.

    As usual it is so difficult to capture the beauty of the bottle on camera. To appreciate it, you need to see it in 3d - not the 2d representation of photography. You need to turn it all angles to see the carvings and hold it up to the light to see the triangular inner hollowing.

    The carvings are two men with long beards playing a table game on one side while a boy carrying wood observes them from a cliff, and a boy pulling a huge fish out of the water on the other while off to the side two boys are standing next to a giant oyster or clam and I can't tell if they are beckoning a bird or trying to gather peaches. I'm sure there is much rebus to the entire carving, and I need to look everything up to try to understand the meanings.

    The top appears to be blue agate with a very tarnished silver collar.

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    1. pops52 pops52, 8 years ago
      Great addition to your collection and good luck on your research!
    2. cshapiro cshapiro, 8 years ago
      Thanks pops52!
    3. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Wow, wow, wow! Agate/chalcedony, no doubt :-)
      As you, I'm very tactile for such pieces, I always say "it attracts the hand as much as the eyes".
      Kudos to get this one!
    4. cshapiro cshapiro, 8 years ago
      Thanks kyratango! It is a wow piece!

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