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Beautiful bowl, but does anyone know anything about it?

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (9 items)

    I bought this pretty four footed bowl in a little antique store and the lady did not know what it was. It has a light blue tint that plays to a deeper color that moves around the edges as you turn it. Any ideas?...

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    1. robin56 robin56, 8 years ago
      Depression era glass. I believe this is called a open lace footed bowl. Perhaps Anchor hocking
    2. robin56 robin56, 8 years ago
      Welcome to CW!
    3. glassrocks glassrocks, 8 years ago
      Thanks Robin56. I looked through all the Anchor Hocking information I could find and it does not match any open lace pattern of theirs. If you can think of any others, pleased let me know. My picture doesn't show it very well, but it has 12 "ribs" that are about an inch across at the widest point at the top.
    4. robin56 robin56, 8 years ago
      There are so many glass companies from Indiana glass, fostoria, hazel atlas, and more. Tallcakes is better at naming companies!
    5. glassrocks glassrocks, 8 years ago
      I found the pattern...just not the color!? The pattern matches Crocheted Crystal by Imperial Glass-Ohio circa 1935-1950. 7" four toed footed comport. Does this happen where you find a pattern only to not find a color match?
    6. TallCakes TallCakes, 8 years ago
      this is Imperial Glass #780 Laced Edge but not sure what they may have name this blue color
    7. TallCakes TallCakes, 8 years ago
      maybe Ice Blue...
    8. glassrocks glassrocks, 8 years ago
      Thanks Tall Cakes! The pattern I found that said Crocheted Crystal also said 780IC so that must be it!
    9. TallCakes TallCakes, 8 years ago
      you're welcome. glad you could find something, tho' the number would be 7801C. Some folks do call the pattern crocheted edge but Imperial named it 'Laced Edge' and the line was #780 with the last one or two characters identifying a specific item.

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