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Dodge, Plymouth and Plymouth Roadrunner Pinback Collection

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (21 items)

    This a frame of Dodge, Plymouth and Plymouth Roadrunner Pinbacks from my collection. They date from 1940's to 60's. Thanks For Looking!

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      Hey, AutoPin, I almost missed these ! Some days CW looks like the last day of a garage sale & one has to search for the gems. Just kidding everybody !
    2. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Thank You blunderbuss for the nice comment.
    3. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Thank You ejw-54, bucket head, blunderbuss2, oroyoroyisthatyourhorse, officialfuel, fortapache and caperkid for the love.
    4. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Pops52, Catburgler and trey thanks for love.
    5. AutoPinback64 AutoPinback64, 8 years ago
      Thank You gargoylecollector and politicalpinbacks
    6. buckethead, 7 years ago
      Where did ya' go? Miss your postings.
      Love the roadrunner pinbacks as I just acquired a 1970 440 six pack (I posted it) :)

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