Posted 8 years ago
(5053 items)
Czechoslovakian Christ on the Cross sent to a woman in Michigan in 1932. Very large photo of birches on a lakeshore hidden behind it. not sure why i bought this piece but i kind of like the birches photo a little more than the Christ on the cross.
I like both.
thank you SpiritBear! i'm not crazy about either!
Either I missed it yesterday or you added a photo, but.... You're kidding me.... it was sent to Muskegon? I'm in Mukegon.
that's a coincidence! are you of Czech heritage?
the birch photo is a Wallace Nutting, i think. i saw a signed one just like it on the net last night.
SpiritBear - email me - maybe we can do a trade or something.
My distant ancestors were. Mostly, I'm German.