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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    I can't find these two anywhere on the web! I know they are a pair for sure. The little evil guy looks like a Simon Legree type landlord and the lady looks like a caretaker or something, she has a mop and bucket. I am totally puzzeled and would love to know more...Thanks!

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    1. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 14 years ago
      Something from Ceramics Class?
    2. Billyboy, 14 years ago
      I dont think so, they are made in Japan...
    3. Billyboy, 14 years ago
      They are salt and pepper shakers, was just wondering the characters...
    4. Billyboy, 14 years ago
      Well, neaerst I can tell they are characters from and old paly called "The Theif and the Old Maid".

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