Posted 9 years ago
(1 item)
I was told this was a Victorian Platform Rocker probably from about the early 1800's. It was my great-grandmothers, and possibly older than that. It appears to be hand craved as there are tool marks on it on the underside. My grandmother had it recovered with material that was similar to what was originally on it and they used the original hardware nails. Was originally stuffed with straw and horsehair, and the bottom black original cloth still show some straw/hair in the material. I fell in love with the Lions Heads on both arms of the rocker. My Great Grandmother lived in Pennsylvania, near Clearfield.
Trying to find out more information about who may have made this chair and possible it's real age. I could not find any stamps or marks showing a date or who may have made it. Please help me get more information on it.