Posted 9 years ago
(1 item)
This key fits an antique armoire mortise lock but a small piece at the end of the "blade" has broken of. I don't think I'll find an exact copy but even having a correct blank would be very helpful.
The key has 'Taylor" and the number 633 on it. It is a barrel key with an OD of 1/4". The blade was originally at least 1/2" long (maybe a little more) and 3/8" high.
I've had several of these barrel keys remade from a locksmith you might have to order a blank. Hope this helps.
I went to a locksmith and he said he would have to charge $100 for it as he essentially make it from scratch. I'm hoping that if I can find the exact right blank it could reduce the cost.
Ouch mine was 40 hope you find one