Posted 9 years ago
(708 items)
1ST pic is in natural sunlight which shows the true blue of the turquoise compared to pic #3 which was taken inside.
No visual hallmark found...I'm sure it's long gone.
I wear this a lot and get many compliments on it ;)
Don't recall when or where I got this.
Will be posting more jewelry after digging through some plastic lure them for storing/sorting jewelry.
No clasp....cuff bracelet
I can see why you get compliments, it's so beautiful! [;>)
Thanks to all for the love and comments
Well hey there Melanie! How are you??? This is an unusual and very nice bracelet you have here. I'm trying to think if I've ever seen anything similar...I don't think I have. Possible Mexico around the 40's??? It's cool to have something that (I wish I could say "no one") has, right?!?
shareurpassion Hello to you! I'm doing fine and hope the same for you.
Don't think it's Mexican....but hey I have been proven wrong before ;)
What a striking color Melanie! Gotta love that first pic!