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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1017 items)

    I got my first pair of glasses - under great protest - in 1961. My teacher noticed me getting out of my seat ( desk in the front row) to see what was written on the blackboard. Being eight years old and wearing big, clunky glasses in 1961 was a recipe for getting picked on. I also had a "temporary" pair of glasses which were pink and white candy striped cat eye frames. Oh, I wish you could have seen them. When I looked down at the sidewalk ( I walked home) the sidewalk was undulating. I goose stepped all the way home because the sidewalk looked like it was coming up to meet me.
    Then, in 1976, came hard contact lenses. My eyes are not shaped for hard lenses, so I spent the better part of each day chasing the dang things around in my eyes.
    Advance to gas permeable lenses in 1977. Not much improvement. My eyes looked like road maps. I swear I saw a sign that said, "Las Vegas, 5 Miles" posted on one of those red lines.
    I said good bye to contact lenses in 1990 and found myself wearing multi-focal lens glasses - three levels.
    Now that I'm old - 63 - and weird, I opted for brightly colored frames this time around. The Old Hippie Chick never quite goes away.

    I think the yellow stripe glows in the dark.....

    Thanks for *listening* to my story!

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    1. fleafinder fleafinder, 8 years ago
      hello bonnie!finally put a face to your name
      looks great on you!
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      Great story and you look great in these glasses!!!! Nice to put the face with the name.
    3. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      val - the school nurse told my mom about my bad vision. I had no clue - I thought that was how the world looked! I had one pair that was soooo heavy and out of balance that I literally had a hole on the left side of my nose from the frames rubbing. It was awful. I was so nearsighted that my lenses were very thick. YUK.

      THANK U for the compliment!
    4. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Thanks to ALL for the lovely comments!
    5. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 8 years ago
      This might be my favorite post of yours because I get to see your face. :) I think your huge brain and knowledge is so big it must be putting pressure on your eyes.;). You certainly are defying the odds with your young looks, rock star ability to find great jewels and marks and the best photos and info. Love your face!! :)
    6. davyd286, 8 years ago
      This pair looks great on you!
    7. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Well Hello Bonnie!!! Don't you look fabulous!!! Love your specs and love your story!! Nice to put a face to your name now, thank you!
    8. NevadaBlades, 8 years ago
      Well, don't you look cute! Love your little mischievous smile there....... The glasses,....... oh, they're nice. [;>)
    9. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Thomas - so glad your eye surgery was a success! I need glasses to see everything unless I am looking at something through my jeweler's loupe. I have seen (pun intended) improvement over these last two years, however, and my prescriptions has become weaker. I think when I'm 80, I won't need glasses at all!

    10. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      OGF - LOLOLOL! Thank you!!!
    11. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      *blush* I didn't quite expect such great reactions.......
    12. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Bonnie, this shape of frame is my fav! And I too am delighted to see your charming face :-D

      Some of you said I have an eagle's eye... yes! But only one, which is so nearsighted I'm only able to guess the biggest letters on the optician board! The other one is normal...
      This nearsighted eye escaped the presbyopia so I barely need a loupe to see hallmarks and tiny details from very near!

      This was detected at 10, when trying 22L riffle shooting at a target, and saying I can't see the target when I close my left eye!

      As I took the habit of using my "good eye" to see far away and my nearsighted to read, the glasses with right correction were impossible to bear for me...
      Till now, no need of glasses to read because of this particularity! But I'd love to wear a pair, I love the look they give ;-))
    13. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      Bonnie you look so beautiful. I wear braids too when the length is right. I need eye surgery to help me see better, but I have problems with anesthesia, so am putting it off ALAP. I only wear the glasses when I am on the computer or reading...the rest of the time, I don't really need them.
    14. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      Nice to meet you Bonnie !!! They look Great on you!!

      ~ Yes I am a member of the eyes-club too.....LOL
    15. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      Hey babe! Looking almost like I imagined, but better!!

      OGF - you crack me up!
    16. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      krya - Nature works in strange ways!!

      Thank you, all, for the love/great comments!
    17. Rick55 Rick55, 8 years ago
      Nice glasses Bonnie, they match your face well! I appreciate your pic, I love seeing photos of the other members... it feels more personal, and I love that! BTW... you're quite the looker :)

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