Posted 14 years ago
(759 items)
A Favourite of mine is this gloss plate of a tiger lily made in Gouda by Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland (PZH). It has decoration in the "kantjes" manner: very fine cross-hatching and overlapping of the lines to build up the design.
I'm grateful to Stuart Lonsdale at "Gouda Design" for his attribution of this plate: "The date is circa 1910 - 1915. ...... The 5/351 is the model number."
However Valkma has been able to add this extra information: Cornelus Petrus Willebrordus Verkley (born 1928 ) worked at the factory from 1944 to 1949.
I like these pieces that were influenced by the artists at Rozenburg.
My plate is not in that league, but it still reminds me of the influence of Indonesia on the arts in the Netherlands early last century.
It is gorgeous.
Many thanks cis2you, ozmarty, AmphoraPottery, lisa and cogito.... (ergo sumus).
Many thanks guyfrmatl!
hi nice plate according to the plateelbakkerij zuid-holland book
CV stands for the panter Cornelus Petrus Willebrordus Verkley (born 1928 ) worked at the factory from 1944 to 1949
Many thanks vlkma, I envy you that book on the 'plateelbakkerij zuid-holland'. So this is the same guy who did the non-figurative abstract art? Thanks for this. I think he is also known as Cor Verkley? Cor = Cornelis. He was from Gouda.
A belated thanks to bratjdd & Hedgewalker too!
Many thanks bazelmania!
Many thanks miKKo!
Thanks Sean!
Many thanks Manikin!
nice one again kev -- hope you and paul are enjoying your week
Thanks epson and to you too Lisa.
Back at the wheel after just a couple of days away.
Many thanks AEON!
Many thanks WPJ!
Many thanks LISA & ALDO too!
Many thanks AGHCOLLECT!
Many thanks WPJ!
Season's Greetings from Down Under!
Many thanks CATTEANN!!!!!
Many thanks AGRAM !!!!!
Many thanks CINDB !!!!!!!
Many thanks BRATJDD !!!!!!
Many thanks CAPERKID !!!!!!!
Many thanks MANIKIN !!!!!!!
Many thanks HO2CULTCHA !!!!!!
Many thanks AURA !!!! !! ! !! !!!!
Photos are wonderful but I'm sure the colors are even more wonderful in person.
Many thanks NEWFLD !!!!
excellent , perfect , actually i thought it was van Maaren style at first glare top quality well done
Many thanks APOSTATA. I still have them all.
do me an favour i need you in an xuangtong piece you assessed , chinese porcelain , i can,t find the piece want to see it again in case it is is a sliced and diced Xuande mark , it is extremely difficult to see the difference ( this is academical)
I am trying to remember the piece you mentioned but I fail to remember APOSTATA. Any more clues ???
well it was an 4 character mark chinese mark in blue on an vase or on an plate, you said it is an xantong mark , i said something guess again , and the one posted , deleted my remark , that,s no problem , now we are in an discussion with asian art research in , case our assesment was wrong because an sliced xuantong is the spitting image of a diced 4 character xuande mark
A seal mark then. I have totally forgotten …. I apologise.
Many thanks NEWFLD !!!!!