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Blue Welz grouping

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Bohemian Art Glass3072 of 6906Bohemian Welz Vase Welz 'Lines and Spots' bud vase
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (367 items)

    A grouping of blue themed pieces that I'm sort of guessing were all made by Welz. From left to right -

    8" (20.2 cm) tall wavy lip trumpet vase with black rim and snake. I have seen this decor on this shape several times but don't recall seeing it on any other shape. The shape looks very much like one shown in a different decor on a Welz page of

    10 1/2" (26.2 cm) tall vase with 4" (10.5 cm) diameter throat. The decor seems to fit with Welz' 'Oxblood & Blue', but this time I am unable to match the shape - it has dimples midway.

    4" (8.2 cm) tall by 3" (7.7 cm) wide covered jar with applied black five-legged base. This shape is shown in a different decor also on a Welz page of and the decor is backed up by a vase pictured in plate 43 of the Franz Welz Klostergrab article by Craig Orkney in All About Glass.

    The fourth picture shows marks on the first and second vases.

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    1. welzebub welzebub, 8 years ago
      I would agree that all three examples are Welz. The piece with the coil is a shape found in several decors, both with and without the coil. the covered piece is found in a couple of different décors. The Oxblood and Blue example is a shape I have not seen before, but the décor is well documented as having been produced by Welz. Finding new shapes in Welz décors is not surprising, as the research on Welz has likely only touched the tip of the iceberg.

      Great grouping.... I would love stand alone pics of the Oxblood and Blue piece, and also the covered piece if you were so inclined. Thanks for posting them, Craig
    2. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 8 years ago
      artfoot, your group shots are terrific - this is a great grouping of form and colors. Very, very nice!
    3. artfoot artfoot, 8 years ago
      Thank you all for the love and comments.
    4. jericho jericho, 7 years ago
      When I first saw this set of blue Welz I didn't think they go together perfectly but Ive come to realize most of these types are in a folder that groups decors by the similarities- These are put into my Bi-color confetti folder.

      just as things are the same they are also different.

      for example the snake vase comes in similar patterns with Aqua/yellow, yellow/black, black/red, orange/yellow

      ....the candy dish has sisters as well; Yellow, orange, red with the same powdered sugar look (your aqua is rare)

      Craig is right about the Oxblood pieces- they look amazing with the other tones that match- I'm pretty sure that the base glass is colored transparent and the confetti is oxblood and white (I wouldn't crack any glass to prove this tho...: )

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