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Popsicle Stick House- An Interesting Example of A Unique Popsicle Stick General Store- Wooden Folk Art

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (20 items)

    Perkins General Store- North Carolina

    Hello everybody, this is my latest creation, the Perkins General Store. It is one of several buildings in a miniature town I have built at the foot of the oak tree in my backyard. I built this store as a replica of all the old country general stores of days gone by. It is painted in the style of the Victorian years of the 1870s, with an ornate floral patterned silver roof and awnings, and pin striping. It has shelves, stained wooden floors, windows and doors, wallpaper, and a nice big front porch for to spend the evening relaxing in some ol rockers! On the wall hangs an old hand-cranked telephone I made, modeled after the phone on my wall. On the counter sets a replica of a big brass cash register I made of cardboard.
    The purpose of these buildings I create is for to attempt to relive and remember the glory of the old days, and it is important that we all remember them, lest we forget.
    I know what you might be thinking; "I have far too much time on my hands", and perhaps so, but it is just such a fun hobby, and I encourage others to find enjoyment in folk art as well, for it really enriches one's life and is a great fashion in which to channel creativity! Thanks for reading!

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    1. Caperkid, 9 years ago
      Very cool piece
    2. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      So clever and creative. I love the whole idea behind this.
    3. SweetViolet SweetViolet, 9 years ago
      Thank You!
    4. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      What a glorious job you did.
    5. SweetViolet SweetViolet, 8 years ago
      Thank you!

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