Posted 9 years ago
(108 items)
Here's an oddity think it was made in the 70s was very filthy dusty grungy cleaned it was out gave tiny bit of oil to its bits and swore like a pirate trying to tweak suspension spring..... And the lil bugger is keeping decent time! Has almost no over swing and that concerns me cause most anniversary clocks need some to keep running but I'm just happy the 10 buck dude is running at all oh yah it's not an anniversary clock it's a 100 day clock.... Meh cleaned up good anyway.
If anyone knows any history on Japanese anniversary clocks let me know
It's a very stylish clock!
Nice looking clock! Thanks for sharing. I don't collect Torsions but I know they can be a bear when it comes to the suspension spring. Good job bringing this one back to life.
Thanks racer n Bruce I've discovered if you don't plan on accuracy you get decent results with fidling with these.... And even with my ham handed smacking it about... Its actually running halfway accurately.... Wish it was skill.. But when your only in it for 10 bucks you can attack it fearlessly lol!
I soak my clocks in petrol and then leave to dry, once dried I oil. I thought most anniversary clocks ran for 400 days due to a weighed spring that wears out.
Yours is stunning.
Not this one.... Says on the front 100 day.... Wouldn't bet on it.... It just seems to barely tick... Even tho pretty accurate doesn't seem to have any extra momentum... Maybe 1/4 turn past the tick each way.. If it wasn't pretty dang in beat it would definitely stagger to a halt
Oh one reason looks so clean is I was a dumbest and popped the case apart.... Roof had a dent I wanted to move to the back... Oh my that's fun you get 2 pieces in sneak the 3rd one in the first 2,fall out.... Was mumbling like a crazy person after a while... Did get to wash the pieces in the sink anyway
I hate spell check... Dumbass is what I was