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Monumental Rindskopf Peacock Feather Vase

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (214 items)

    This is a very big vase by Rindskopf from the Jugendstil era. I found it in a local Tidewater, Virginia area antique shop many years ago. It stands approximately 12.5 inches tall and is about 6 inches in diameter at the widest point. The modified baluster shape has been pinched at several places. It was blown from the top and the rim is ground flat.

    Art Nouveau took its design cues from nature, and in this case, Rindskopf was inspired by the peacock's plumes. Peacocks were as iconic in Art Nouveau objects as were the dragonfly, scarab, and snake. The pulled feather design incorporates just about every color in the spectrum worked into the base glass of an aqua color. The surface has a metallic oxide iridescence rich in purples, golds, and blues. It is still as beautiful today as it was over 100 years ago when made.

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    1. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      Thanks to all for the loves - olebodie, that's part of a 3 piece set that I have - two 6 inch and a 12 inch Rindskopf pulled feather vases in the same size. I will probably post a write-up of them some day soon.
    2. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 8 years ago
      This is a beauty - thanks for sharing it!!
    3. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      To olebodie... The three items are in the first photo in this story from a couple of years ago...
    4. Caperkid, 8 years ago
      Spectacular colors :)

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