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A rocky reality for sure. :) Happy weekend CW

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (80 items)

    First pic is a part of the gift shop we visited on my daughters last visit when we went to Ohio Caverns.
    2nd pic are my purchases $15.00. (value? priceless). It was time with my girl. ...AWE.
    We actually spent more time in the gift shop than we did on the tour. I had been thru there in my youth and of course it looked much smaller but it still amazes me.
    The only local item is on the bottom left in pic 2 they call chit rock and say they used to use it as flint. Everything else said it was from Brazil. ;)
    Needless to say she was very thankful for the pieces she picked out that I pre-arranged to pay for with the clerk. Thank goodness, she's a thrifty one. :) ;)
    3rd & 4th pics my daughter sent to me from her recent trip to New York City. She was only window shopping and said there were a lot of these shops. The lowest price she could see was $7 thousand on a much smaller piece.
    Thanks for looking and happy hunting everybody. :)

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Happy weekend to you, too!
    2. mcheconi mcheconi, 8 years ago
      Amethyst geodes are from Brazil, for sure! Nice pics.
    3. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      Sounds like you had a wonderful trip with your daughter. Those times are priceless for sure!! looks like you did really well with your gift shop purchases, compared to the NY prices. The pieces you bought are beautiful!!!!!
    4. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 8 years ago
      Thanks for the comments and loves: Bonnie, mcheconi, and Scott. I have always wanted to visit NYC as an adult (was there for about 10 minutes when I was a kid). I think I'll be happy living vicariously thru her trip and pictures. :) ;) But I never say never.
      Thanks for the love packrat.
    5. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 8 years ago
      Scott, it was a wonderful visit and I love my girl So much!! I miss her so much, for about 2 days. LOL JK...
      This mom had/has a really hard time cutting the apron strings. :(
      I am so thankful I found a dirty vase a year ago because I really was a lost sole without her. ..:)
    6. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      My youngest son (19) surprised me when he came walking in last night. He had to get back to EKU tonight for basketball practice tomorrow morning, but it's always such a treat when either of my boys come home to visit (which is few and far between). So, I know the feeling well!!
    7. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 8 years ago
      xoxo Scott!! I know how happy that must have made you feel!! You have a good boy that pops in on you. :)
    8. fortapache fortapache, 8 years ago
      You purchased the same thing I would have. I'll bet the snail in #3 was pricey.
    9. mikelv85 mikelv85, 8 years ago
      Looks like a fun an interesting trip One. The Caverns are right in my own backyard ( 3 hour drive)....yet I've never been even after moving to Ohio in 64' , We moved from Michigan so my Dad could work at the FAA in Oberlin. We went on a lot of family trips when I was a kid. I think my Mom was claustrophobic or :)
    10. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      Sounds like a great girl OGF and it must have been so lovley to have time with her. Obviously she hasn't fallen far from your tree picking such good things at great prices.
      The New York prices: obviously there is a big NY tax! (that's what we call any unexplained price increase that happens just becauseof where it's sold- in Sydney we have Mosman tax or Double Bay tax.)
    11. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 8 years ago
      Fort, I had every intention of posting pics of the caverns and my little finds until she sent me the window shopping pics. I think I'll post them shortly. Thank you for your comment and love.
      Mike, your mom would not have fun in there. It is narrow and there are 60 steps to climb up at the end. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit worried but made it ok. :)
      Karen, they say all you have to do in life is LIVE, DIE and PAY TAXES. UGG. Their tax rate is no near as high as Alabama. Just a completely different economy. Thanks for the comment and love.
      Thomas, thank you for your wonderful comment and thank your son, and you and your family for his service. Been 10 years for me and yes it still seems like yesterday. Not sure were you are going, but it was good for me to move out of our family home and change thing up in the process. They want their independence and just because "they say" you gotta let them go it does not make it any easier. Best wishes to you all, have faith and stay strong...and busy. :)
      Sorry so long but thanks for the loves: bb2, mel, olebodie, Tassie, fort, Nevada, Valentino, ho2, flea, Mani, ruckl, and aura. :)
    12. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 4 years ago
      I once went into a larger shop in Edmonton, I kind of doubt it would be there now or even then as most people there would be garage salers. I love the third pic with those monster purple ones. The vases are found a lot in free trade stores which sell a lot of those artists works in 3rd range countries. I bought a large one there 18 inch and a smaller 9 inch one for about 100.00. I bought one for a friend for christmas one year and the cat broke it, so he phones me up complaining like it was my fault. I bought him another one and took it there a few weeks later. I appreciate that I never got mad at him for having to buy another. The vase was likely to have come from India. Your daughter did buy wise and what a bargain basement price she got !~

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