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Union Tool Chest Works, Style B

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Tool Boxes60 of 169Pilliod Lumber Co. #50H. Gerstner & Sons, Style #41C
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (18 items)

    Here’s the one on the right end of the middle row of the Sept. 28th posting picture. I’m also including in this posting the right end of the bottom row because it is the same, except it has a leatherette finish with mahogany drawer fronts and body face board. It’s a Style A.
    This is a Union Tool Chest Works, Style B (B because it’s Oak wood finish), 7 drawer chest. It was manufactured in 1913 – 1916. 1913 was Union’s first year of manufacturing ‘chests’. These are 17” widths. 20” had different style numbers. Union did not mount mirrors to the underside of the opening lid in these early years. On style B’s the back panel of the chest also had a rectangular relief in it, same as the removable front panel. This chest came without felt, which was an extra cost item.
    Here’s what is unique about this particular style B - It has the original Union decal nameplate on the front of the face board, but notice how dirty it is around the decal and the two brads. That’s because it had been built as a Union but sold to J.M. Waterston, a secondary supplier per ‘The’ Guide, for them to sell in their tool supply catalogs with their own brand (Union installed) nameplate. I removed their nameplate to expose the Union decal. Just part of history. Have a good one…..Ted

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      I love this! My jewelry would be in it......
    2. courtenayantiques courtenayantiques, 8 years ago
      Another beautiful box.
      I agree efesgirl, fantastic box for jewels!
    3. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      So, a removable panel covered the drawer fronts ?
    4. toolbox, 8 years ago
      That's right blunderbuss2. Only problem is it was lost before I acquired the chest. I'm still searching for another one......Ted
    5. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Love it! I would store my jewelry in it :)
    6. toolbox, 7 years ago
      Well, guess what. Another revision on July 5th for ‘The’ Guide for wood machinist tool chests. We just keep pounding away and it’s getting better and more accurate with each revision.
      Rev. July 5, 2018 - Revised Pg 11 to show 1914 full face front panel chests. Also, changed Pg 06 to ‘Explaining Non-Standard Production’.
      We average about 450 hits a month of which about 300 are actual users spending over 20 minutes each, on the average. Check it out, it’s a challenge………Ted

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