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Mdina Glass owl, Made in Malta late 1980s, signed under sticker normal hand sized.

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (404 items)

    In Wales, UK it tends to rain a lot and this has a depressing effect on the wildlife.

    One rainy night two owls sitting in a tree and the Male Owl turns to the Female and says in Owl Language...."To Wet to Woo, Too Wet to woo!"

    Ok its not funny but least I tried. This is a late 1980s Mdina marked Glass owl paperweight with several colours running thru it. I think these paperweights are cleverly done.

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    1. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 8 years ago
      Not quite sure I see an owl but it's pretty!!
      Hehe, who, who, have you met BB2?

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