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Great find of an Elgin bicycle on trash day!

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Bicycles163 of 1133Nice storage shed find1940's Elgin bicycle
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1 item)

    My daughter found this Elgin bicycle at the curb that someone was going to throw away! Had no idea what she had found. Needless to say, was a great find!

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    1. ravage60 ravage60, 8 years ago
      That is so awesome.
    2. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Wow very cool bike !! What a super find
    3. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      I'd ride that.
    4. toolate2 toolate2, 8 years ago
      1930's Elgin Twin 60.... It's worth thousands of dollars.... Seriously!
    5. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      WOW Toolate2! Amazing what people think is garbage!
    6. Robertriley Robertriley, 8 years ago
      Did you sell that to Mike Wolfe? I think he posted the same bike.
    7. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      This was only posted 4 hours ago. Link to Mike Wolfe's?
    8. Robertriley Robertriley, 8 years ago
      It's on his intagram.
    9. Robertriley Robertriley, 8 years ago
      It looks like a repaint. I know that had Red and they had Black.
    10. Robertriley Robertriley, 8 years ago
      My friend paid $6500 for a Black twin 60 last year. It was original paint with strong pinstripes.
    11. ravage60 ravage60, 8 years ago
      The bike Mike Wolfe posted id the same bike. Same background, same dirt on tires, same chips. Someone posted a closeup of your pic somewhere and he saw it.

      LOL so funny.
    12. Robertriley Robertriley, 8 years ago
      I contacted Rob Wolfe and all he said was NFS. It sounds like he has it???? Where did the poster go?
    13. Robertriley Robertriley, 8 years ago
      I just checked out Mikes post and it changed. It has this shot now, it was a front shot before
    14. Robertriley Robertriley, 8 years ago
      Not changed, but added a new photo
    15. toolate2 toolate2, 8 years ago
      Maybe our poster is bogus? He found the pics online and posted as his own bike with the story about finding it in the trash......
    16. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      I have noticed this happen a couple of times. I don't understand why.
    17. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      We'll never see dhamilto601 again...
    18. Robertriley Robertriley, 8 years ago
      I guess some people just need attention
    19. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      People are weird.
    20. dhamilton601, 8 years ago
      The story about the Elgin in not bogus. When my I finally talked my daughter into selling the Elgin, Mike Wolfe was the first person I thought of. I contacted Antique Archeology, to see if Mike would be interested. The pics seen of the bike on Mikes post, was pics I had sent him. We delivered the bike to the LeClair, IA location saturday. Mike has such a passion for old bicycles. It felt right selling to him. Didnt get to meet him, because he was in Tennessee. The pics Mike posted on instagram were from my pics that I had sent him of the Elgin. Emily put the bike in the shop saturday evening when we delivered it. It was awesome to see it displayed among all of their other collectables when we went back on Sunday. LeClair was such an awesome town. You could probably confirm my story with Mike if you feel like it is necessary. It doesnt matter. I know it is true, and thats what matters.
    21. dhamilton601, 8 years ago
      Thank you, but we just delivered he bike to Antique Archeology in LeClair, IA two weeks ago. Mike Wolfe from the American Pickers show purchased it.
    22. ignatz ignatz, 8 years ago
      great find,stuff like this keeps you pickin.
    23. Gulf99 Gulf99, 8 years ago
      Cool bike for sure. I come on here to see items that interest me. Plain and simple. This is not a forum. Sorry you had to prove your story dhamilton601

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