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Czech blue spatter on pink

In Art Glass > Bohemian Art Glass > Show & Tell.
Bohemian Art Glass2798 of 6681Red, white, blue, and yellow spatter - CzechArt Deco enamelled Pierrot / Harlequin vase ?Pfohl
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (367 items)

    Footed vase (ivy bowl) with blue spatters reaching up into the pink body stands 5 1/2" (14 cm) tall. Interesting mark on the underside is so deeply etched it almost appears sandblasted. The arched mark is similar to the accepted Kralik mark but in a different font.

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    1. philmac51 philmac51, 8 years ago
      Love the latest 'weird' Gravitar!! and the vase!!
    2. artfoot artfoot, 8 years ago
      Thanks Phil - that's one for Smirky the Clown and one for blurry artfoot. What do you think - should I put it up to a vote?
    3. philmac51 philmac51, 8 years ago
      Smirkey get's my vote!
    4. cnd11, 8 years ago
      probably kralik imo
      here's another piece on here in a different decor
    5. artfoot artfoot, 8 years ago
      Thank you cnd11, I was hoping for a shape confirmation on this one.

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