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Little oriental clay necklace

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (91 items)

    Hello dear CW frens,

    This is an oriental clay necklace left behind by my youngest sister in law. Yes, i used to have 4 sister in laws but my youngest sis in law passed away last year due to brain anuerysm (stroke of the brain) at the young age of 40. She was the youngest in her family and closest to my husband as they are both near the same age. i used to be a little jealous about how too close she was to my husband and i still feel guilty about feeling that way even til now.

    This little oriental necklace reminds me of her and my hopes that she has found true happiness in another world.

    Thanks for coming and listening to my story about my little oriental necklace.

    Attached are some pictures of Little India when the lights are up for deepavali(festival of lights) in October-a festival celebrated by indians in my country. hope you like this concrete jungle i live in.

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    1. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      The necklace, and memories attached to it are so touching...

      Deepavali festival displays wonderfuly!!!
    2. martika martika, 8 years ago
      I'm sorry for your loss... The necklace is very cute, I imagine how much it means to you !!!
    3. NevadaBlades, 8 years ago
      Touching story about your family's loss. Her memory, though, will live on through those, like you, who loved her. Be sure to pass on her memory to the younger generation in your family, your nieces and nephews, and then your grandchildren. [;>)
    4. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      I'm so so sorry for the loss of your sister in-law last year. Very touch story. I love the necklace you have here.
    5. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Oh Fleafinder, that is so sad for you...40 is so young......I hope you take comfort in the little necklace, I'm sure your sister-in-law will be very happy that you are looking after it!!
      I lost my own younger sister to the same condition 21 years ago......she was only 34..... it isn't ever easy to get over.......
    6. fleafinder fleafinder, 8 years ago
      thanks for the love one and all. Special thanks to thomas,pascale,martika,kiyoshi,scott and judy. You guys must be God-sent.
    7. Rick55 Rick55, 8 years ago
      Cute necklace Flea, and I love the pics, particularly the last one, it's gorgeous!

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