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Beautiful, Ornate Seder (Passover) Plate

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Silver Trays28 of 73Vintage BAILEY BANKS & BIDDLE Sterling SetSilver Covered Dish
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (82 items)

    I bought this at Goodwill years ago. It was just stunning and a shame it was sitting in Goodwill.

    It is hand made of copper, brass and silver plate. It measures 13". The original label from G. Mesika & Sons is still on the back.

    A lot of my Jewish friends love it and I've tried to gift it to them. But traditions run deep as they do in my Lutheran religion. Their Seder plates have been passed down for generations. One day, someone will need it!

    Thanks for looking!

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    1. plein-air-painter plein-air-painter, 5 years ago
      That is a beautiful Seder plate! Someone will be lucky to get that.
    2. highlander56 highlander56, 5 years ago
      plein-air-painter Thank you so much for your comment! I know someone will need it at some point. It is beautiful. My Jewish friend’s have inherited Seder plates ranging from the very simple, to folk art, porcelain and sterling. In the meantime, I will take care of this one. Just couldn’t stand seeing it sitting in Goodwill. ????

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