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Art Deco, Jarvil Nancy opaque Horses vase

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Art Deco1560 of 4291Bohemian Art Deco, Matte Coloureds Spatter Glass Vases, Circa 1920-30R.Lalique "Damiers" vase.
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (76 items)

    Here we have a deeply cut French, Jarvil Nancy opaque green vase. Next to the deep cut horses you can see an etched horse in relief. A very heavy piece, signed on the bottom as shown. 5" tall X 5" across.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago
      A definite OBJECT OF DESIRE !!!

      STUNNING !!!

    2. Thedecoguy Thedecoguy, 8 years ago
      Hi vetraio50.
      I thought this one would be to your liking.
    3. SEAN68 SEAN68, 8 years ago
    4. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Very unique and a real eye catcher ! love it
    5. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      stunning vase Thedecoguy & never knew part of the andre delatte factory paris1925 thanks for knowledge
    6. SEAN68 SEAN68, 8 years ago
      hello decoguy , I love your postings !@! heres one youll love!!
    7. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      Love love how one horse is cut, while the other is etched.......looks like the cut horse *shadow* is the etched horse design. Amazing piece!! thanks for sharing !!
    8. Markbruno, 8 years ago
      Hi, I'm new to this site. I do love this vase, and have also seen black or orange ones with a swirl design. I would like to purchase a vase like this. Can anyone lead me in the right direction?
      cheers Mark
    9. Arisellon Arisellon, 6 years ago
      Now I'm an envious...
    10. Thedecoguy Thedecoguy, 6 years ago
      Thanks Arisellon.
      Your collection is awesome. I have always envied the American advertising clocks you have there. The neon and design, brilliant.
      The Jarvil vase was a chance find at an auction a few years ago, nobody else bid on it so got it really cheap.

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