Posted 8 years ago
(938 items)
We got this rare Texas City Refinery sign from a Collector in Iowa on our way to Hershey and it is the biggest and heaviest sign we have on a pole. This 8'x10' sign doesn't look all that big in the air but it was a real nightmare to get chained to the arm on the large pole awaiting it. We like it a lot and hope all the visitors to the free museum at aaaLakeside Storage like it too.
Wow are u ever fast!!! Thx for the love it
Great signs.
That row of poles is fantastic!
Thx for the compliment. We have 29 big poles in that row so far and it will go to over 50 when we're done. That doesn't include the poles in front in the museum section. We love pole signs!
Looking great Rattletrap! I'd love to put up some of mine but not sure how the neighbors would think.
The real problem is not the neighbors. It is City ordinances that prohibit signage. Zoning officers can give u fits and make u take your signs down if they want to! Very sad!!!
Wow that thing is huge!!!! It dwarfs the ESSO and that's a big sign!!
Yep! You are exactly right. The sign is so heavy at two guys can hardly pick it up. I think it is 8'x10' and it was a lot of work getting it up that high in the air.
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love. Not many people do?