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A Dying Item being Destroyed -- Grain Elevators

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Hi CW Gang:

    Thought I would post these photos/images of mine of a Canadian Grain Elevator which is now a dying sight. There are getting to be less and less of these are they are knocked down in Small towns as they are not being used anymore. Sad, as you can collectible Grain Elevator related items -but who can save the Grain Elevator itself??

    Also I gonna add a little story that just took place this summer. I ran into a lady from Paris visiting her BF here. He works with Agricultrural stuff as he was from France too. So she was here for 2 months, and was looking for some pics of Grain Elevators as she thought they were just amazing. I said to her that why would she want Grain Elevators items when she lives where the Eiffel Tower is. Her response to me was " That the Eiffel Tower just sits there and does nothing but for people to look at, while Grain Elevators are on the prairies for a Purpose as they DO something, or DID do something" ....and she just thought Grain Elevators were AMAZING !!

    So Funny how people from different area view things differently. I gave her these images of mine to here. So SOMEWHERE in Paris France in someone home, these images of mine could be hanging in a person Flat.


    Now lets save the Grain Elevator !!!!

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!

    ~ Rose ~


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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 8 years ago
      Great pics rose. They also appear to be a must for a prairie wedding, remember doing lots of wedding photos with the grain elevators in the background !~
    2. Caperkid, 8 years ago
      They are historically significant and should be saved
    3. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~ God Save the GRAIN ELEVATORS.....LOL

      NanaM // jscott0363 // kyratango // Caperkid // racer4four // PhilDMorris // vetraio50 // fleafinder // brunswick // Efesgirl // mikelv85 // blunderbuss2

      ~ @ PhilDMorris --> So true Phil, but they do make a Super Back drop for a Wedding as they are just so Photogenic and Awesome !!
      ~ @ Caperkid --> Agree so much with you. They rip they down now and do not realize that this is part of History of farming life!!
    4. Caperkid, 8 years ago
      Rose just one in northern BC Dawson Creek . Hope they keep it. Alberta lost a few ive noticed along my travels over the years Beaverlodge ,Hythe areas.
    5. NevadaBlades, 8 years ago
      When we lived in Durango, Colorado, during our photo expeditions into rural Colorado we'd see quite a few grain elevators. Don't know if they were still being used. Being city folk, we gave them only passing thought..... "Oh, look, Martha, there's another one",..... you know. They do have a lonesome beauty, though, standing forlorn under the Midwestern sunset. [;>)
    6. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~

      NevadaBlades // SEAN68 // packrat-place // iggy //Oroyoroyisthatyourhorse

      ~ @ Caperkid --> So true. Like the song says:

      "" Don't it always seem to go
      That you don't know what you've got til its gone
      They paved paradise
      And put up a parking lot..." Joni Mitchell

      ~ @ NevadaBlades --> So true, just part of history and now days they are seeing an end. Back home a farmer bought one -- Just so they could not destroy it!! Now that is dedication !!
    7. Rick55 Rick55, 8 years ago
      Great story Rosie, and so sad :-( It's true about the lady from Paris finding the grain elevators so interesting while at the same time finding the Eiffel Tower just "there". I experienced the same with some friends visiting from Spain many years ago. They wanted to visit the Twin Towers, and to me, that was no big deal. As a matter fact, I'd never even been there up until that point. For me it was just "there", but to them it was a must-do on their visit. I guess when something's in your own backyard, you take it for granted and don't appreciate it as much as someone who doesn't normally have access to it.
    8. BoBo22, 3 years ago
      we still have one in our town...rose... yup

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