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Bulova Travel Alarm Clock ( in Case )

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Hi CW Gang:

    A sweet old vintage BULOVA Travel alarm / alarm Clock in a case. There is a little logo on the front which is a SAFEWAY logo. Might have been an award or something from there. Super stunning Quality Piece. One can never go wrong with one of these. I love BULOVA !!

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!

    ~ Rose ~


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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      This is a really nice one, rose!
    2. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      Great clock!
    3. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Love these little cased clocks Rose, really nice!!
    4. NevadaBlades, 8 years ago
      Used to have a couple of cased travel alarm clocks. Not as expensive or as nice as your BULOVA, though. I think ours were WESTCLOX. Don't know whatever happened to them, though. Probably misplaced and lost during our many moves over the years. Do you still use yours, Rose, when you travel somewhere?
    5. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~

      pops52 // NevadaBlades // fleafinder // SEAN68 // Bruce99 // PhilDMorris // jscott0363 // TassieDevil // fortapache // Virginia.vintage // mikelv85 // racer4four // vetraio50 // Efesgirl

      ~ @ Efesgirl --> Thanks EG, for your lovely comment !!
      ~ @ racer4four --> Thanks Karen, these are so neat little clocks !!
      ~ @ TassieDevil --> Thanks TD, You are totally Correct on that !!!!!
      ~ @ NevadaBlades --> Thanks NB, I guess you better hunt around your home, Maybe somewhere it is still there, stuck in a back box....LOL. No I do not use, more for display as I have a small collection of Clocks on Display here in my home

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