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Vaseline Uranium Compote - Maker?

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (217 items)

    I found this today, I think its pretty, it fluoresces, nice engraving. I was curious about it because we were just over at a couple's house and they were showing off all their (fantastic) Bohemian glass, and the husband pointed out some pieces that had the air-bubble ball on the stem just like this, and he had a name for the company or designer... Ring a bell with anyone?

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Sorry I cannot help with maker information.

      Looks like a mantle luster with the dangling prisms.

      Is the top portion an actual bowl or is it open through to the stem of the piece?

    2. Stillwater Stillwater, 8 years ago
      It's open through the stem, down to the ball
    3. vaselinealley vaselinealley, 8 years ago
      This is made by Pairpoint 1920s. The color is called Canaria

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